Tennaxia and Traace join forces to create a European champion of sustainable development software.
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With the Traace platform, part of the Tennaxia group, you can reduce your environmental footprint, achieve your objectives and accelerate your transition to a sustainable model:
-> Measure and analyse your carbon footprint (Scopes 1, 2 and 3)
-> Carbon trajectories and action plans
-> Financial management of decarbonisation
-> Decarbonisation of the value chain

Calculating GHG emissions

Precise, exhaustive and auditable measurement

  • Simply measure your emissions
  • Adapt the data collection to your organisation (scope and emission factors)
  • Involve your stakeholders
  • Produce auditable carbon accounting that complies with the best international standards.

Understanding to identify decarbonisation opportunities

  • Consolidate and explore your data according to your level of analysis (country, product, site, etc.)
  • Compare and identify best practices
  • Export your data in one click, in compliance with the expected standards (CSRD, CDP, GHG Protocol, SBTi…)

Understanding to identify decarbonisation opportunities

  • Model objectives
  • Create trajectories tailored to the decarbonisation potential of your entities
  • Consolidate the overall trajectory
  • Engage stakeholders

Model CapEx and OpEx flows and plan decarbonisation costs

  • Integrate the amortisation periods of your decarbonisation levers
  • View marginal costs and forecasts
  • Automatically generate MACs (Marginal Abatement Costs) to identify high-impact actions

Decarbonise your Scope 3

  • Define the evaluation criteria for your value chain
  • Adjust the weight of the criteria
  • Define your customised grid
  • Analyse the impact of your suppliers
  • Assess the reduction potential of your investment portfolio

Who is affected

The regulatory GHG balance sheet

Article 75 of the Grenelle II law requires a greenhouse gas emissions assessment (BEGES) to be carried out under certain conditions. 

This one is addressed to :

  • Legal persons governed by private law employing more than 500 people in metropolitan France and 250 people overseas.
  • Local authorities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and the State.
  • Public establishments with more than 250 employees.

A decree dated 1 July 2022 makes it mandatory to account for and report all significant indirect issues, including so-called “scope 3” emissions for companies subject to the publication of a sustainability report (CSRD).
Any company not subject to the GHG balance sheet can, if it wishes, measure its carbon footprint. It then becomes a management tool for managing the overall performance of the company.

Tailor-made support

By your side every step of the way

To ensure the success of your project and the proper deployment of the solution, Tennaxia’s teams support you every step of the way!

Customer Success Manager

Your CSM is responsible for setting up the tool and ensuring that it reflects your organization and your strategy. 

Technical support

The team of software consultants is at your disposal for all your technical questions.

To go further

Our consultants’ expertise

Do you want to formalize your low-carbon strategy? Do you want to define your greenhouse gas emission reduction objectives? Do you want to deploy and pilot your action plan to contribute to the 1.5°C trajectory in accordance with the commitments made in the Paris Agreement?

Our experts accompany you throughout the realization of your GHG report (BEGES), from the preparation phase to the drafting and publication of it:

  • Definition of the scope and data to be collected, in accordance with Article 75 of the Grenelle II law, the Bilan Carbone® method or the GHG Protocol.
  • Data collection via Tennaxia® GHG Reporting software.
  • Analysis of collected data and calculations of direct and indirect emissions.
  • Verify data consolidation and consistency.
  • Identification of emission stations requiring further investigation, with reduction targets and action plans.
  • Construction of the final report in accordance with the Environmental Code including the development of emission reduction objectives and actions and definition of the internal and external communication strategy related to BEGES.

GHG Reporting

Who is obliged to carry out carbon reporting ?

Reporting greenhouse gas emissions (GHG reporting) is becoming a must for a growing number of companies. Indeed, since the Grenelle II law, all legal persons under private law with more than 500 employees (in the same entity) in metropolitan France and 250 employees in the overseas regions and departments, as well as legal entities under public law with more than 250 employees and communities with more than 50,000 inhabitants are subject to the obligation to carry out and publish a greenhouse gas emissions report (BEGES).

Carbon footprint : the first step towards sustainable performance

Whether regulatory or voluntary, measuring carbon emissions can be a first step for companies looking to commit to sustainable performance. Initially limited to scopes 1 and 2 of the company (i.e. direct greenhouse gas emissions and indirect emissions associated with energy), the GHG carbon® footprint extends to scope 3 (indirect emissions over the entire production chain and the life cycle of the product or service) for companies already subject to the DPEF (declaration of extra-financial performance): Companies with more than 500 employees, since the decree of 1 July 2022.

This is also the direction of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), a European directive that will apply to a much larger number of companies because the thresholds above which companies will be subject to disclosure of sustainability information will be much lower.

How to set up and manage your carbon footprint?

Measuring emissions is no longer enough. We must be able to set quantified objectives, a carbon trajectory towards global warming limited to 1.5°C and communicate on concrete actions to achieve it. It is therefore necessary to rely on reliable, consolidated and auditable data. Tennaxia® GHG Reporting makes it possible to act concretely on the management of its emissions by facilitating and making reliable the collection of data and by making it possible to link its emissions to objectives.

Action plans can also be integrated into the Bilan Carbone ® software, to rectify or accelerate a trajectory for example. With clear visibility into the company’s ambitions in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, stakeholders are really involved in the process.

Our consultants, authorized to carry out the Carbon Footprint, can help you manage your low-carbon strategy. Once your low-carbon strategy is clearly defined, Tennaxia® GHG Reporting software allows you to move on to concrete implementation, measurement and management to take concrete action and be able to effectively communicate your commitments and achievements on reducing your carbon emissions.