Partners in France

LCL, Corporate Banking

A subsidiary of Crédit Agricole S.A., LCL is one of the largest retail banks in France. It aims to be the urban bank of reference for one urban in seven, one in two mid-caps and one SME in three. 

LCL is also LCL Private Bank, and LCL Corporate and Institutional Bank. LCL has 17,300 employees serving the satisfaction of 6 million individual clients, including 214,000 private banking clients, 364,000 professionals and 29,900 corporate and institutional clients. LCL Banque des Entreprises et des Institutionals has 71 offices and operates in two main businesses: commercial banking and corporate finance. LCL Banque des Entreprises is regularly ranked number 1 in Mid-Cap LBO financing. 

LCL has launched the Smart Business program to support its customers in their digital transformation through exclusive partnerships. It is in this context that the program with Tennaxia® is inscribed. 


Next Decision is a firm of experts in business intelligence, Data & Big Data, Organization, MDM, HR Management, Budget Development and Business Apps, whose head office is located in Nantes. Created in 2010 on the initiative of two experts in decision-making technologies & Big Data, Next Decision is present in Paris, Lille, Brest, Rennes, Angers, Ancenis, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon and Montpellier.

Next Decision is a company of 250 experts who operate throughout France, with more than 615 clients of all sizes and from all sectors of activity. The company is experiencing constant growth and recruitment represents a major challenge: They are recruiting Data and Big Data consultants throughout France.

Human values ​​and solidarity are part of the company’s DNA. Next Decision is involved in projects that convey these values. Thus, they have supported Secours Populaire Français since a partnership agreement in January 2015.
(Every ten days of service provided to their clients, they offer the equivalent of a meal to Secours Populaire Français.)
They are also patrons of the ABC Domino association which works to provide access to education for children in very remote villages in the southwest of Madagascar and have co-financed the construction of a school. They also support social and environmental associations.


The C3D is the College of Sustainable Development Directors. Solène Garcin-Charcosset, Director of Tennaxia’s CSR Business Line, is a member. 

C3D is convinced that Sustainable Development and CSR Directors play a decisive role in the transformation of our organizations and ultimately of our society. And to accelerate this transformation, facilitate it and promote it in the public space, its mission since 2007 has been to bring together in France all the Directors of Sustainable Development and CSR of companies and private and public organizations in a single network, under an association of the 1901 law type which now has more than 200 members.


A multi-stakeholder association created in 1992, ORÉE has been federating and animating for nearly 30 years a network of actors committed to exchanging and setting up an environmental dynamic at the service of the territories. Today, ORÉE gathers, supports and equips a network of more than 180 members: companies, communities, professional and environmental associations, academic and institutional organizations…


Tennaxia® is a member of the Sustainable Development Commission of Medef (Mouvement des Entreprises de France).

It aims to promote CSR as a lever for performance and value creation for the company, to encourage the development of exemplary initiatives and dialogue with stakeholders.

Laval Mayenne Technopole

Laval Mayenne Technopole aims to promote economic development through innovation, as well as cross-fertilization between research laboratories, universities, engineering schools and companies. To stimulate this dynamic of innovation, Laval Mayenne Technopole animates, networks and facilitates the cooperation of scientific and technological skills present in the Mayenne department. It initiates and supports innovative project leaders. It develops the attractiveness and visibility of the territory through innovation by promoting innovative projects in the territory.


Created in 1938 by Jean Mersch, the CJD brings together more and more members every year: in 2020, the CJD represents more than 5,700 women and men in France (leaders). The CJD is also present in 16 countries around the world. Imagined from the deep conviction that an economy at the service of mankind, embodies the key to the competitiveness of French companies, the movement is non-partisan and force of concrete proposals to boost employment and sustain companies.

Mickaël Foucault, Director of EverHSE and ESG Business Manager of Tennaxia® is a member of the CJD.


The ÉDITIONS LEFEBVRE SARRUT group is the leading French legal publishing group.

With more than 2,500 employees and a turnover exceeding 450 million euros, the three historical know-how concerns:

  • professional publishing (mainly legal and regulatory);
  • Training
  • integration of professional services and tools.

The specialties broadly cover corporate law, accounting and human resources. The tools and services are aimed both at professional lawyers and at all practitioners who must, as part of their activity, follow, understand and apply the law.

Tennaxia® and EverHSE have been partners of Legislative Publishing for more than 10 years.

Partners outside France


Ecol Studio supports Tennaxia’s clients in Italy.

A company specialized in HSE consulting, training and regulatory monitoring. They offer solutions in the areas of environment-energy, worker health and safety, and product and process quality, partnering with customers to achieve common goals, getting stronger with each success.


:Response supports Tennaxia’s customers in Germany. A leading consulting firm in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They support German companies that use Tennaxia® CSR Reporting.


SustChem Engineering is an organization that offers services with teams of high-level scientists and has acquired the ability to respond to the ever-changing framework of business operations. The company, present in Greece, constantly invests in the development of the skills of its employees, guaranteeing adaptability and quality.