Tennaxia in a few words


  • Software publisher (70%) HSE/CSR/ESG and association consultancy provider (30%)


  • Established in 2001
  • +30% of growth per year
  • 115 employees


  • €M2 invested in R&D per year


  • Shareholders: founding directors, Marlin Equity Partners, IdiCo and Bpifrance


  • 3 offices in France (Laval, Lyon, Paris) and partners in Europe and the USA

Our purpose

Tennaxia designs, develops and implements solutions for the sustainable performance of companies and investors.

Our convictions and principles of action

  • We believe in the association “consulting + software in SaaS mode” (on the Internet).
  • We develop software solutions that are simple to deploy and use, innovative and “focus” on their subject.
  • We want to give them the right answer to every need.
  • We are committed to the long term.
  • We share a collective project with our stakeholders, first and foremost are our employees, our customers and our partners. All our solutions are the result of this collective work.

Our software

Waste management

HSE Software

With Tennaxia Waste, market leader since 2001, work in full regulatory compliance, control your associated costs and share best practices.

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Suppliers performance

CSR Software

Tennaxia® helps you manage your responsible purchasing strategy and meet regulatory requirements.

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ESG Reporting

ESG Software

Effectively manage your ESG approach and create value: easily collect your portfolio’s ESG data, perform sector benchmarks and produce your sustainability reports.

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Compliance Monitoring

HSE Software

Stay on top of the latest regulatory requirements and check your compliance status to manage your corrective actions in real time…

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Risk Management

HSE Software

Tennaxia HSE management software facilitates the capture and use of operational data: environmental analysis, occupational risk assessment…

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Reporting, management and GHG / Carbon trajectory

CSR Software

Our experts accompany you throughout the realization of your GHG assessment! Controlling your carbon and greenhouse gas footprint starts here!

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Sustainability / CSRD Reporting

CSR Software

The performance of your company is now assessed globally and must integrate social, environmental and societal issues, factors of sustainability.

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Choosing Tennaxia®

means choosing a partner that is…


  • Creation 2001
  • 115 employees
  • 12 M€ turnover in 2022

Locally established

  • Head office in Laval (53)
  • Offices in Paris and Lyon
  • Partners in Europe and the USA


  • 100% of projects delivered on budget and on time
  • 98% renewal rate
  • 99.997% platform availability

Committed to its ecosystem

  • Conducting an annual study on CSR reporting practices in Europe
  • Organization of Customer Clubs every year
  • Animation of blogs by CSR and HSE consultants
  • Participation in market reference events (Produrable, Social Change…)

Adapted to the requirements of large groups

  • 1/4 of CAC 40 companies are Tennaxia® customers
  • 45% of SBF 120 companies are Tennaxia® customers

flexible enough for midcaps

  • Companies of all sectors and sizes trust us

Tennaxia’s management team

Bernard FORT

Bernard has been working for more than 25 years in the world of the environment. He was marketing and sales manager at Séché Environnement and Solvay. It was during his experiences that he realized the importance of his clients’ needs in terms of environmental information collection, which led him to create Tennaxia® in 2001. As Chairman of the Management Board, Bernard has overall responsibility for all activities of the company.



Maxime created the company with Bernard in 2001. Since then, he has been in charge of the entire process of design, development and testing of Tennaxia® software. In the world of Open Source, it also contributes to the improvement of the technological bricks used by Tennaxia®.


Christophe REMY

Former HSE Manager of Silmeca, Christophe has been an expert in Health, Safety and Environment for 20 years. His mission is to manage all HSE consulting services and the deployment of our software solutions.



Solène supports companies in their transition to more sustainable models. Within Tennaxia® she specialized in extra-financial reporting, from upstream with the formalization of the CSR strategy to downstream with extra-financial communication and more particularly the DPEF. Responsible purchasing policy and supplier evaluation, low-carbon strategy, ESG policy and evaluation, complement, among others, its skills. She is the head of the CSR Business Line at Tennaxia®.



A man of project and field, Mickaël works to improve practices and make life easier for companies in terms of safety and the environment. Ex. HSE manager in the plastics industry, ex. HSE project manager in CCI, it is within the Tennaxia® team that he then accompanied and advised many companies. Since 2010, he has led the EverHSE Business Line, Tennaxia’s solution dedicated to SMEs. He is also ESG Business Manager in charge of marketing Tennaxia’s software solutions to investors.



Ulrike has worked for more than 20 years in consulting and technology companies. She notably worked at Mazars and Atos before becoming a partner in two organizational consulting firms.

Thanks to the experiences acquired with clients in the energy and environment sector, Ulrike has oriented her career fully towards CSR by joining Tennaxia® in 2020.


We share a collective project…

… with our stakeholders, first and foremost our employees. All our solutions are the result of this collective work.